Do Not Wait For The Flatline: An Invitation

You are lovingly invited to participate in a Heart Health Meditation Series, consisting of 7 meditation exercises that will arrive in your email every 3 days until you’ve completed the series. The series is a gift from Dr. Sircus, whose teachings on naturopathic medicine and caring for the soul I have been absorbing for 20 years now (where did the time go?!). The series is based on his 2014 book Heart Health and the reading material that accompanies each meditation comes from this book.

Dr. Sircus offered this gift to his readers via his email list, with the subject line What Soap is for the Body Tears are for the Soul. You can read that email online here. He wraps up the email with this powerful sentence that I clearly agree with, given that the whole purpose of this blog is to bring the discussion of love into the forefront of our daily living:

Life is demanding more heart, more love and thus more tears if we wish to navigate through the increasing stresses of life without being ripped apart.

Dr. Mark Sircus

Dr. Sircus speaks of “the tears of the melting heart” and states (correctly, in my experience) that the way to know when you have dropped out of your head and into your heart is that tears appear. Or “divine fluid” as he also calls tears.

Here is the page where the series is introduced and where you can sign up for the meditation series and increase your heart health–both physically and spiritually because the two states are inseparable when it comes to the heart space. At the top of the page is an 8:24 min video from Dr. Sircus, introducing himself and his background. In this introductory material is found this profound statement, made 35 years ago by Dr. Sircus’s mentor:

We as a race have to learn about love as a point of survival.

Christopher Hills

I couldn’t agree more with this assertion, and my agreement is not merely theoretical but experiential. If I had to sum up the essence of my 59 years and tell another person the theme of my life, I would say that it seemed I was born to experience the depths of what happens when love is withheld.


Beginning at birth, I found myself in a life where love was not on offer. Uncoincidentally, I spent my first 18 months on a slow march toward death, from lack of nutrition. It seemed that the absence of love nutrition was mirrored in my inability to hold any food down; whatever was fed to me I projectile vomited immediately. The doctor begged my mother to breast feed me and said that would solve the problem instantly and save my life, but she refused because she wasn’t about to ruin the breasts she was so proud of. (I KNOW)

With the benefit of hindsight, I later concluded that at 18 months, my soul must have made a choice and decided to live anyway, love or no love, because I suddenly just stopped vomiting and began eating normally. My mother always told me that it was her trying Carnation brand milk that saved my life, and for the longest time, I believed that. Now, I believe that my soul was here on a specific mission and that at 18 months, my soul accepted its mission.

Over the next 40 years, I continually and routinely encountered the anguish of offering my love to others freely but not receiving love in return. I couldn’t understand it. Why did this keep happening to me?! I finally figured out that life appeared to be backing me into a corner where the only way I could survive was to give myself the unconditional love I needed but couldn’t seem to find anywhere. This was the first and most foundational learning involved in this life setup of mine, and it took 42 years of living before I accepted that, whether I liked it or not, this was my life set up and had been since the beginning; it took 42 years before I stopped fighting my painful reality and got serious about completing my life lessons in love, beginning with self love.


Just as Dr. Sircus insists in his Heart Health material, I knew I had succeeded in getting on the right path one day in 2002 when I was fully ready to give up my life because it wouldn’t stop hurting me. That day, a new kind of tears I had never experienced before came flooding out of my being. On that day, I had curled my 42-year-old body up in a tight ball and started crying–sobbing insatiably, really–and didn’t run out of fast flowing, sobbing tears for nearly SIX HOURS. My tears didn’t ebb and flow over those 6 hours but flowed without ceasing or slowing down, relentlessly. When I thought I surely couldn’t cry any more, I just kept crying, as if my heart had a mind of its own (it did, it does, and so does yours).

I had no control over what was happening, and as it went on and on and on, I became aware through my sobbing that my mind was observing what was happening. If the relentless and strange feeling tears were my first clue that something unusual was happening to me, finding myself able to observe my brain observing me was my next clue that I wasn’t simply ‘crying’.

It was physically exhausting, producing such a river of “divine fluid”, but when it was finally done, the psychic wrapper that had been protecting my mortally wounded heart for so long had been thoroughly and permanently melted away. I had never felt it there, but I felt it when it was gone. I can relate to Dr. Sircus saying that “what soap is for the body, tears are for the soul” because I had never felt so clean as I felt by the time the tears FINALLY finished their clean up work.

That was the day that my heart and its intelligence became free to function as intended, and the day I came to know what it feels like to be in the presence of the heart’s immense intelligence when it’s at work. That was the day that I learned what unconditional love feels like, although it would take me a few more years to learn how to drop from my head into my heart at will, and to complete my critical lessons on self love. That was the day that I first began to grok that the great wounds to my heart were not accidental or random, but were the centerpiece of my very existence.

When reflecting back on the progression of my life journey–from its beginning until now–it is easy for me to see and know the truth of the words spoken by Christopher Hills 35 years ago and shared by Dr. Sircus: that we as a race have to learn about love as a point of survival. It is easy for me to see that I almost didn’t survive my first 18 months of life due to an absence of love, and from this seeing, to know beyond any doubt that human beings cannot survive, much less thrive, without love. Had my life mission not involved this very thing, I am certain that I would not have survived past the day at 18 months when the doctor told my mother that starvation would end my life within the next 24 hours.

I tell you all of this to share my qualifications to speak on the subject of love and its importance to every human life. It is required just for survival, and without sufficient quantities of it, no thriving is possible.


Americans are surely suffering more than any other nation of people as a result of the America-size love deficit that exists in our culture. As Dr. Sircus points out in his introductory video (linked again here for convenience), Americans are indoctrinated to prize rationality and mind intelligence over heart intelligence. Take a look around and you can’t help but see the consequences of this massive error we’ve gone along with.

Our cities and towns are overflowing with drug addicts trying to stop their pain. Rapidly growing numbers of citizens are living on the streets, in their cars if they’re ‘lucky’, or on someone else’s couch, basement, shed, or wherever they can find shelter for today. And then there’s the expensive inhumanity that’s heaped on the working poor, and the technological isolation and dehumanization that’s coming at us all faster than we can keep up with it. Look around and really see the truth about the richest country in the world (allegedly). You’ll know you’re seeing clearly when you can see the poverty of love that now characterizes American society as a whole. Look past the small circle of people you would say that you love and look at the whole thing. Where is the love, outside of your own little circle?

There is but one way to turn this sinking ship called America around, and it has practically nothing to do with politics, elections, and ‘positions’. Millions must turn their attention to increasing their heart intelligence, and at the same time, begin to model what it looks like when heart intelligence is brought out into the open and applied freely to every aspect of daily life.

Women are equipped to make this heart connection more easily and readily than men, and it is mainly for this reason that we need more women at the helm, everywhere. But not just any women. We need women who possess the desire and the courage to lead with heart intelligence to speak up. And it does take courage to lead with the heart in a culture that values the head and dismisses the heart. We need courageous women to get busy demonstrating what leading with heart looks and sounds like, and we need them to get started yesterday. We need men to do the same, as Dr. Sircus is doing. But until women’s demands for a world built on heart gets loud and strong enough, rationality will continue to rule and destroy for as long as it can get away with it.

I created Love Yü Tokens with the hope that if sharing love’s intelligence with each other could be made tangible and gamified, people would more easily notice and engage with the truth about the love intelligence deficit that is destroying American society (and by proxy, the rest of the planet.) Instead, I got woken up to the truth that while Americans clamored to play a silly, meaningless game like Pokemon, they aren’t clamoring to play the meaningful-on-every-level Love Yü game.

The transformation that’s needed in the American psyche and culture is huge, and it’s easy to see why Dr. Sircus elected to just relocate and share his knowledge from within a culture where love intelligence is the baseline and background, as it is in Brazil. Perhaps that is what I should do too, because my living would surely feel better and more right than it does in America. But while I still live out my days here in America, my mission is to awaken others in any way that I can to the transformative power of bringing heart intelligence boldly and baldly to the forefront of life in these United States.

In case you’re wondering, I am not a Liberal. I am also not a Conservative, nor am I a Libertarian or a Greenie. I’m not a New Ager, a Positivity Person, a Christian or a member of any organized religion at all. I am none of those things. If I were forced to give myself on overarching label, I would call myself one of the Possibility People. If I were required to name a political party affiliation, I would name the Pragmatist Party that doesn’t exist formally but that exists inside of me. I know that human beings are made to require love, period. And so it is a pragmatic matter that, as the numbers of human beings on the planet grows ever larger, nothing matters more than creating enough love to meet the inherent and common need of all those people, so they can live peacefully together instead of at war with one another. I know that life doesn’t play Win/Lose, and we either all win or all lose together because we are ONE THING.

There is no such thing as Win/Lose, except in the short term. In the long term, it’s either Win/Win or Lose/Lose. The only way to achieve Win/Win is with Love and Love Intelligence. Period. So if winning instead of losing is the goal, then get busy creating as much love around you as you can.

Love or lose. Those are our choices.


If my mission inspires you, then I hope you’ll join me by playing the Love Yü game from wherever you are. If you’re really inspired, then why not give a 30-Day round of play to those you care about as a Christmas gift? Really, what better gift can you give someone than an invitation into their own heart, which arrives by touching the hearts of others?

If you could use a hand in opening up and strengthening your connection to your own heart intelligence, I hope you’ll look into Dr. Sircus’s generous offer of a free meditation series that’s designed to do exactly that, or read his Heart Health book that the series is based on, which is available at Amazon as an e-book.

However you do it, your heart intelligence A-game is needed and it’s needed NOW. You’ll never go wrong by creating more love, and if more of us don’t ramp up our efforts NOW, it may soon be too late to stop the spaceship we share from becoming a vessel unfit for living things. Those who are currently doing the most damage to life know what they are doing and the consequences. Why do you think they’re looking for other planets to move to and building luxury underground bunkers? They’re hoping to escape the dire consequences they’re well aware they have been creating, by making profit more important than love.

Calling all heart intelligence! We have dangerous conditions afoot and cleanup is needed on Aisle 1 and Aisle 2 and Aisle 3…no, make that on every single aisle! Hurry! People are falling and getting hurt EVERYWHERE and the mess has got to be cleaned up stat!

Heart Habits

Here’s a collection of wisdom about love and kindness from Leo Tolstoy, one of the most psychologically insightful and largehearted writers our civilization has produced. Tolstoy believed and wrote that our faults and harmful behaviors are not rooted in an inherently bad nature but in bad habits of heart and mind.

Continue reading “Heart Habits”

Be Love. Okay, But How?

We may not need advice on how to Be In Love, but if we seek to Be In Love, then some guidance is helpful. You can know that you may benefit from such guidance if hearing the words “be love” or even just the word “love” automatically implies “being in love” to you. Or if you’ve “been in love” lots of times and it always ended badly because the other person was so [fill in the blank with their deficiencies]. Or if you believe that “love hurts.” Or if you can’t really even define the word “love” without alluding to the blast-off experience of “being in love.” Or especially if you could use more love.

Continue reading “Be Love. Okay, But How?”

Where’s The Volume Dial On This Thing?

How many times have you read or otherwise been advised to listen to your heart? I doubt you have ever argued with this advice but you may have felt the presence of an internal frustration upon hearing or reading these words. If it were handed the mic and told to speak its truth, that frustration would likely say:

Continue reading “Where’s The Volume Dial On This Thing?”

Magic, Magnetics, and Love

The concept of MAGIC is scoffed at by those who require scientific proof in order to believe a thing is possible or those who need to believe that everything is explainable by human brain power.  The word  MAGIC conjures up (pun intended) the notion of trickery designed to astonish and bewilder, for purposes of entertainment only. For those who value brain intelligence over heart intelligence and science over mystery, this word may bring to mind gullibility and a lack of intellectual sophistication and rigor.

Continue reading “Magic, Magnetics, and Love”

The Last Laugh

I am a Scorpio, the archetype that represents the process of nature known as transformation and the most deeply complex of all the astrological archetypes. Observing the transformation of caterpillar into butterfly reveals the complexity involved in transformative processes. It’s not for the feint of heart, that’s for sure. Some astrologers and esoteric writers assign 3 potential transformations to the life of a Scorpio: From scorpion (defensive stinging), to eagle (high awareness), to phoenix/dove (peace emissary.)

Continue reading “The Last Laugh”

Feelin’ Good as Hell

You can’t give what you don’t have. You have to love yourself first before you can give love to others. If you don’t, you may call what you’re giving love but it won’t feel like love to others at all. Fact.

So do whatever you gotta do to let go of anything and everything that keeps you from loving yourself, and when you let go, be clear with yourself that this is why you’re letting go. You won’t gain self love if the reason you let go is them. The reason has to be you and your self love goal. So much opportunity to gain self love is lost because we’re more interested in looking outward at what they did rather than inward at what we need.

The self love goal is to become so abundant with love for yourself that you can’t stop it from spraying all over others. #BecomeALoveFountain

Lizzo is a Self Love Ambassador. Love yü, Lizzo.

A Gathering of Geniuses

Out in public, we don’t handle each other with much care. We barely even look at or notice each other. We’re impatient and inconsiderate. Yet WE want to be handled with care.

Maybe this superband of geniuses asking to be handled with care will instill a musical reminder in your heart that others want exactly what you want when it gets down to it: to not feel lonely and to be handled with care.

The Traveling Wilburys are love magick incarnated as music. Take it away Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, George Harrison, and Jeff Lynne.

Live From Austin Y’all

As a native of Austin, Texas – the Live Music Capital of the World – I have to include some Austin music. I chose A World So Full of Love sung by local son Shakey Graves. The video was produced by another local son, musician Bruce Robison. I chose it for its chorus, “In a world so full of love yet not enough to go around.” Doesn’t that just perfectly sum up the situation here in America?

I know that lyric sums up why I felt it necessary to start the Love Yü Game, and I hope you’ll decide to play and start spreading more love around. We’ve actually got enough love to go around but we’ve got a distribution problem; one that’s easily solved by recruiting more distributors to pass out love to others, consciously and on purpose.

Shakey does a little talkin’ first then starts singin’ at 28 seconds

Enough is Enough is Enough

Tell it, Keb’ Mo’ and Roseanne Cash. Yet there’s more to the story and it’s not enough to just put a woman in charge. Men have to play their roles too, but they’re horribly confused about what that role needs to be. Why don’t you take in this fantastic video and song first, then I’ll add the addendum containing the rest of the story that needs to be told.

Continue reading “Enough is Enough is Enough”

When Scattered is Good

Money and love are both currencies we spend, but they don’t operate the same way at all when hoarded. Money can grow when it is hoarded and not circulated, but love dies and ceases to exist when it stops being circulated.

Continue reading “When Scattered is Good”

Love Lies We Tell

All of the songs and poems moaning about the pains of love–and I bought it for the longest time. Come on! Everyone knows that love hurts. We’re taught this and we teach it to each other. Way too many of us get gun shy and distrust love the older we get. We can’t take the pain…the hurt to our heart will be too much to bear, we say. Too bad we’ve bought into one of the greatest lies ever told.

Continue reading “Love Lies We Tell”

Become Sophisticated

“The most sophisticated people I know – inside they are all children.”

Jim Henson

Children are born as little bundles of universal love. Their brains haven’t been wired by experience yet, so they’re not distracted and distorted by layer after layer of thought filters. They just love as a natural response, right up until life beats that instinct into either wariness or submission. When it comes to offering universal love to others, be sophisticated. Be a beginner again. Be like a child.

Tell Me What It’s Not

These words are courtesy of astrological journalist, Eric Francis over at PlanetWaves.  I’ve been reading Eric’s work since he built his presence online in 1994, and he almost always manages to help me see some little aspect of something with brand new eyes. Here, he talks about understanding what love is by understanding what it is not.

Continue reading “Tell Me What It’s Not”

Love the Mystery

To my way of thinking, birth and death seem to amount to the exact same process: that of passing through a portal where spirit is formed and unformed. A sort of cosmic manufacturing and recycling process. Pass through from one side of the portal and you experience what we call birth, or manufacturing. Pass through from the other side and you experience what we call death, or recycling.

Continue reading “Love the Mystery”

To Do: Write My Obituary

Everyone has heard it said that people are just who they are and they can’t change this, not really. A leopard never changes its spots or the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree are a couple of phrases that come to mind. If you’ve heard phrases like these, you might have nodded your head sagely and agreed. The only reason there is truth to such statements is because people choose to believe they are true…and so for those people, they ARE true. To those people I say, “Let’s talk about your obituary, mkay?”

Continue reading “To Do: Write My Obituary”

I Will Not: A Poem

Excerpted from Dawna Markova’s poem,  I Will Not Die an Unlived Life

I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible;
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance,
to live so that which came to me as a seed
goes to the next as blossom,
and that which came to be as blossom,
goes on as fruit.